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出生在首尔, 韩国, cellist Clara Minhye Kim has performed as a soloist, recitalist, and chamber musician throughout Canada, 英格兰, 法国, 德国, 香港, 以色列, 日本, 瑞士, 泰国, 和美国.S. She has been a guest performer and faculty member at the Jerusalem 音乐 Center in 以色列, Norfolk Chamber 音乐 Festival and Perlman 音乐 Program in the U.S., Seoul 音乐 Festival, Busan 音乐 Festival, and Pyeongchang Great Mountains music festivals in Korea, Beauvais and Festival 音乐 Alp in 法国, and Morningside 音乐 Bridge in Poland.

As a recipient of numerous scholarships and fellowship grants from Juilliard, New 英格兰 Conservatory (BM), and Yale and Columbia universities (MM, EdDCT); her principal teachers included Channing Robbins, 劳伦斯较小, 和阿尔多·帕里索

Kim founded and heads the cello section of the New York 音乐 Competition, which has been sponsored by the 韩国时报 since 2007, and she conducts master classes throughout the world. She has served as an adjudicator for various national and international competitions and has recorded for the CRI, SNK, and Albany record labels. Her book on cello method was published by the Korea Economic Daily and Business Publications Inc.

In 2011, she was chosen by the U.S. State Department as one of the Korean-American representatives in the arts for 韩国n President Lee and U.S. Secretary of State Clinton. Kim’s students have been recognized at numerous national and international competitions and awards including the Jack Cooke, Janos斯塔克, 欧文·克莱因, 约翰森, 安德烈西班牙纳瓦拉, 帕勃罗·卡萨尔斯, and Young Tchaikovsky competitions. In addition to being on the Juilliard college and 预科 faculties, she is also on the Columbia faculty.